@lilybunny awoooo
yeah i still can't post anything. hmmm. anyone know what the limits for #throttling are? #throttled
anyone know what's up with #octodon?
@inurashii awoo ❤️
Here is an art @kyra has done for the first commission of July!
Comissioned art for a still of the winning Naming contest by @literorrery!
As ever, @kyra's art is fantastic! https://awoo.space/media/ERodwyFl6GzXzO_3-UM
@typhlosion ugghhh i wish i knew how
@typhlosion which metal gear game was this from
Hey friends, I didn't really announce this but I'm going to be gone camping this weekend starting Friday evening (around 6 pacific I won't be available)
If you need help resolving problems, please reach out to our staff either via @support or directly to our staff members:
@Mycroft those are awesome! always kind of wanted one
@ThatDamnCat @Mycroft and doing superstitious things like tapping twice on the cassette lid to make sure it would load properly
i like bunnies and godzilla. he/him. alt account of @bunnyhero in this cozier, safer space. warning: i will vent here