...but in the mindset that steps into the blood's memory, there is no judgement, there is only knowledge, the grand association of a life, or many, all adding to now. All I've ever been will me with me always, and it does make me what I am. And, more than that, it's a unique view on a portion of reality, and for that, it's priceless. (3/4)
As in a space-time graph, there are points when I can look back and see the twisting roil of my path through the world, trace it back and pick up any point and KNOW it's all continuous, as much as the identity now is several singularities away from then. Nothing is lost; my triumph, my failure, my wisdom, my foolishness, my self now can see the one in the past... (2/4)
We like to think we think of memory as inviolate, but in reality we rely on forgetting. Time heals all wounds, you physically aren't who you were seven years ago, but what happens when you find that everything you are, and were, is still with you, somewhere, just under the surface, the right stimulus able to unearth ANY of it? I know I don't think of myself as the same person I was before college, but I have his memories. (1/4)
@Oneironott @forestservice I wrote a whole thing on this after some trip or another but it's not in my usual notes place. I'll have to go digging.
@forestservice @Oneironott For me it's... "But it still matters, it still has shaped you, it's still part of you."
...But the way it is a part of you can change, itself.
(Also, okay, probably I'm no longer allowed to reflexively turn my nose up at neoshamanism resources after spending so much of last nigh being deeply moved by that. Fine. ;) I've come full-circle, I guess!)
@typhlosion I mean, makes sense for plush CATS maybe but my cute plush puppers are not gonna get any more feline, thank you very much. ;)
Incidentally, @Oneironott if you haven't listened to The Shamen much, you really really should. :)
@typhlosion @Fuego @Oneironott @mawr @literorrery @KawaSeadrake Nope, backwards. :)
Last night I also finally got to listen to two of my favorite and most-appropriate albums while under the indluence of an entactogen:
@KawaSeadrake It's SO GOOD
@starkatt @Oneironott @typhlosion @KawaSeadrake @literorrery @Fuego @mawr Eee good ott
@typhlosion @KawaSeadrake @literorrery @Fuego @mawr @Oneironott aaah so cute!
@KawaSeadrake @literorrery @Fuego @mawr @Oneironott Aaah such cuteness! I hope I'm not too late to join in!
@starkatt Yeah, it's Kai-viewpoint, and in an Iskari-occupied city: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31433704-the-ruin-of-angels
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜