@irisjaycomics Last night, Keet and I were watching season seven of MLP and the Apple/Pear wedding came up, and I said "wait, what if the entwined trees are the Ponyville equivalent of Uzumaki?" We changed media after that to some nice safe speenruns.
Shit th' buni says
@KawaSeadrake @CoronaCoreanici We might well be! Tell me the tale? When you're seeking to get closer to Frame Zero, how do do it, and how does it feel?
Shit th' buni says
@starkatt d'awww. **blush, grin**
Shit th' buni says
@CoronaCoreanici @KawaSeadrake And it's not like this is a one-and-done, either. The caput mortuum demands that be the first thing I check. "What If you're just delusional?" And I can never wholly rule it out. I must allow for it to be the case, alqays. Thankfully, it's rare that I have to push real hard on that, but the check still has to be done. It's like a preflight safety check. Skipping it is more dangerous than doing it and having to adjyst.
Shit th' buni says
@KawaSeadrake @CoronaCoreanici To be sure, the path I travel is fraught precisely because the first thing I had to embrace was an acceptance that I can never truly know if I'm delusional. I must trust some sources of external feedback as blind validations, else I could vanish into my own reality tunnel and not return. That's its own kind of special hell. I don't fault anyone for rejecting this approach. I could very well be crazy.
Shit th' buni says
@KawaSeadrake @CoronaCoreanici There is a third path. And this was my first step onto the road to @amalgam: _unserstanding of my own biases_. I'll never wholly be free of themt, and I'll never know their full depth -- I can't, being inside them -- but I can use the reported and observed qualia of others to help me make a map of my own perceptions.
Shit th' buni says
@CoronaCoreanici @KawaSeadrake And I think I should be explicit here. Science -- the study of Frame Zero -- is valuable. It's vital that we understand it, and there is wonder enough to fuel an endless stream of joy for any who seek within. I value the science and what it gives us.
It can't give us _meaning_, because that's explicitly not science's goal, and consciousness craves meaning, because we're built on pattern-engines and seek fulfillment too.
Shit th' buni says
@CoronaCoreanici For me, at least, the magic in a cloud, a waterfall, or a rainbow isn't in the thing-in-itself, but in the wonder it creates, wonder which itself only exists in the minds of those who behold it. The wonder isn't inherent in the universe, but in the minds of those who perceive and are transformed by such perceptions. We need only look to those who aren't moved by such phenomena, and to know people can be taught to feel it, to know that.
Shit th' buni says
@CoronaCoreanici Wonder isn't meaning. Kaleidoscopes are wondrous. Rainbows are wondrous. I can marvel at the majesty of the natural world with the best of them, but it ultimately carries no context of its own. There's no _intent_ behind it, and ultimately it feels hollow to me as a result, like William Gibson's boxmaking robot in Neuromancer. The meaning and value of such splendour must come from within us, else it's just so many leptons in formation.
Shit th' buni says
@CoronaCoreanici To be sure, objectivity has a valuable place. If we can't agree on facts, we lose our ability to share meaning meaningfully. Frame Zero has to exist for intersubjectivity to have value, and understanding the matter of which we're made helps us be our truest selves better. But there is no _meaning_ in Frame Zero, or if there is we lack the means to know it directly. And it's in the meaning that life becomes more than an endurance run.
Shit th' buni says
@CoronaCoreanici But what is the value of replacing world-that-seems with world-that-is? Seems like that's just an erasure of the self, that which defines our uniqueness, our qualia and narratives. I'd rather seek union with and understand the qualia of others in radical intersubjectivity than ask everyone, especially me, to extinguish that spark. I want to be the truest selves I can be, not just a mouthpiece for the universe. I want to have meaning.
@irisjaycomics They will forever bee the home of Challenge Pissing.
Postfurry Business Plan
<< Imagined in the voice and cadence of every used car dealership in the Tri-State Area ever >>
Postfurry Business Plan
Bespoke fursona design.
"Don't know who you want to be? Ask the experts at Lemnos Autolog to help you discover yourself. We'll help you find the genre, species, material, and backstory that makes you feel like your new self again. We do customizations, plot twists, tropes, subversions, hybrids, and loving homages*! Show models ready to embody today! Only at Lemnos Autolog!"
* No mockeries or raw copies. If we can spot your source and you're playing it as an original, no.
https://pastebin.com/kXaQTA1m A deep heartfelt feeling about postfurry: the concept and community and how it gave/gives me the space I didn't even know I needed for self-actualization and transcendence
Shit th' buni says
@CoronaCoreanici Nobody lives in the world-that-is, Frame Zero. That is to say, everyone does, but nobody perceives it. Everyone's consciousnesses are made _of_ the universe, and therefore limited in what parts of the universe it can perceive. Nobody perceives the world-that-is. We all only perceive the worlds that our senses are capable of perceiving. Our contexts are inseparable from our sensoria and neural nets. Those may be changed in material, but not in phenomenology.
Shit th' buni says
@CoronaCoreanici A) I'm stoned.
B) As a believer in narrativism as a form of magic, when I ask people to tell me the tale, what I want is their interpretation in as close to their internal context as they can share, so that I can try to parse it in my own native spirituality and better understand them as people as an act of devotion. Doing so is an act of love and spiritual openness for me.
C) I'm stoned.
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