I'm running the tabletop #RPG segment of the Extra Life fundraising marathon. Can I get a boost to help kids?
Late night thoughts, doubts, and out of touch feelings
@Soreth Talking about it is a start, and seeing where that talk takes you is the next step. *sends hugs gently*
@neonNeptunian this is lovely and definitely made me smile! ❤️💚💙💜
@literorrery @mawr woah o.o
woo; crisis of faith
@MagentaForge *offers of hugs and slow gentle petting* I hope the observatory helped. Take your time and remember that you're not alone. Others are here to talk when you are ready.
@kauko yay! Good luck Kaukooooo! *hugs for you*
self care (lack of)
@Oneironott *sends hugs* I dunno if you can, but maybe consider grabbing a few protein bars for days like that? They keep without a fridge and a better alternative to just not eating. Failing that, trail mix and dried fruits do wonders for making sure your body has at least enough calories and sugar to keep going.
@kelseyhusky *sending much hugs for you* I wanna see a swishy pupper! <3
@literorrery .....you could always go with the Tolkien reference and say 'lambas bread' but I doubt that's any better :P
@Soreth waiiiit yellow jacket? Or bees? >.>
@vahnj @neonNeptunian Elluims are really good with these reminders! ❤️
@vahnj Many Egg. So wow! Such good :D
Gold, Copper, Tin (Sex, Drugs)
@literorrery @ElectricKeet That was an exceptionally lovely evening and I am really grateful I got to be a part of that with both of you. <3 <3
@kelseyhusky *many hugs for good huskypupper* Awwrrrr!
Plant bunny. Formerly a lion. Prone to pondering about gender, sex, and life in general. May be NSFW at times. Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them (either works)