@mawr a soft and bubbly boy. Very good
My nam is POST
And wen I start
I chek the bits
I test the hart
But when the bits
Say all is suit
To run the code
I start the boote
Every now and then I like to remind myself that we only managed to create the things we now take for granted after throwing thousands upon thousands of hours of labor at trial and (mostly) error.
"Early Flying Failures Stock Footage - The Film Gate" [7:02]
Failure isn't a bad thing; it's among the most important steps toward success. ♥️
@starkatt Gender? Damn near killed 'er!
I would like to go do mawr things and say things that a mawr would say
And also go for a walk in the rain but I don't want to get wet because a wet ✨plush✨ doesn't get many cuddles. I have two umbrellas and they're both in the cars that aren't here. D:
The rain sure is nice today. ...but it's a lot heavier than usual, and we've been getting a *lot* of heavier-than-usual rain. The creeks and rivers in the area are at a high risk of flooding if this keeps up. >..>;
@mawr Malina is definitely one! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malina_(mythology)
smol late capitalism vent: mortgages
Mortgage insurance is an extra monthly fee you have to pay if you can't put at least 20% down on the purchase of a house.
A cheap house in the outskirts of a trans friendly metropolitan area will run you at least $500k (20% = $100k).
So if you manage to scrape together just enough to buy a "cheap" house in a place that won't kill you for existing, you will be forced to pay an extra $400 a month just because you're not rich.
(destroy capitalism)
Dragony plush thing! Friendly, non-binary, anarcho-syndicalist, ace.
Check out @mawr for my public account.