Real fucking cyberpunk isn't an overpaid security guard with more toys than a personal best buy. THIS is. Ignored By Big Telecom, Detroit's Marginalized Communities Are Building Their Own Internet
@candleglow documentation is important!
@literorrery It was so wonderful to make it after all these years! Such a great experience to enjoy with everyone, many thank yous. #bandaza
@Sargoth I’ll see you on the purring side of the cat
lesson for next time: discuss plans ahead of time, communicate expectations and needs better
@KawaSeadrake at least it was clear to us why we started handling reg and support
@neonNeptunian wonderific :D
lightlewd, orthocosm
@Oneironott so many of the feels here
a large plural system // endogenic, thoughtforms, traumagenic, polyfragmented // scientific, spiritual, cosmological
writers, musicians, photographers, too much random technological trivia