@zetasyanthis Auuugh! ;~; Kelsey got rear-ended twice in the past 2 months!! What is going on? D:
@typhlosion @Mous Not stock, but Praying mantis taurs are re-got-damn-diculous
@Mous Absolutely! There are subcategorizations of taur that it wouldn't qualify for, but at least in my book, it's a taur if it's any combination of feral lower and anthro upper.
@literorrery Oh my good glorious goodness Buni, you have outdone yourself. @.=.@
So... after glazing, I had extra cold ganache. And time. So I improvised some.
They're not perfect -- I don't have a star tip -- but this was my first experiment with piping. @LadyAstolat, the bake release worked perfectly! Thank you!
I present "Fünf Schokoladen Drei Orangen." A yeasted cake -- kugelhopf -- with acao nibs, chocolate non-pareils, dutched cocoa, chocolate ganache, chocolate buttercream, triple sec, orange zest, dried orange peel.
Unusual lycanthropes
@Fuego Sounds like a good day. :D
@IrisKalmia I could have wordsed that better, but I am not yet really awake. >..>
*claws at tea*
@IrisKalmia The parent company of the subdivision under which the brands I work for are originally a direct spinoff from the military industrial complex. They also own brands which make ammunition among other things with the military as one of their customers.
So yeah, kinda. I wish they hadn't bought us, because they've been the source of all of my frustration about work in the past ~2 years.
@IrisKalmia Yeah, I'm proud of my work, because it helps make people's lives easier and improves the experience of those who use our sites
I'm friendly with my bosses in part because it's one of my survival methods under capitalism
I sometimes look forward to my job when it involves learning something new and interesting
I care about my job insofar as not doing it would make the lives of others much more unpleasant.
@wobblewuffess something like that!
@wobblewuffess *Squeeze wobs*
omma spoopy ✨plush✨mawr :D
@kellerfuchs @Felthry Sigil Goat! :D
@Felthry :<
@bizbot Please give me a job! :D
@vahnj Uh oh, Crom's putting on his party hat again
What went wrong
@vahnj Complete with party hat
@awoofriend You are fantastic and excellent at being cute. :D
Dragony plush thing! Friendly, non-binary, anarcho-syndicalist, ace.
Check out @mawr for my public account.