I did an interview!
It went really well, I left a good opinion. I was told that I should hear back by wednesday.
...As soon as I settle in to start eating lunch back at home, I get the 'would you like this job' call
so, uh
i guess job get, i start on monday @___@
@neonNeptunian Hooray! :D Congratulations, glowfriend!
@neonNeptunian Dude. :D
@neonNeptunian Congrats, Ellu! I hope this is a good thing for you!
@neonNeptunian Holy blap! Where at? Congraturation!
@neonNeptunian Congrats! I'm glad it's a something!
@neonNeptunian OMG such congrats! :D
@neonNeptunian CONGRATS AAAAAAAa
@neonNeptunian Hurrah! :D
@neonNeptunian Good luck! I hope it's a good fit for you!
@neonNeptunian wonderific :D
@neonNeptunian Yay! go team ott!