@Fuego There's a genre of this?
Shit, sis, hook me up.
@JulieSqveakaroo ... ennhh?
@Soreth And mind you I'm in the women's bathroom at work while this musing is happening, and it's not like I haven't gone out of my way to adopt a very matronly figure and presentation, but for some reason I just found this association... off.
And then I asked myself how I'd feel about a queer affinity group. Same basic idea but aligned for LGBTQ+ folks explicitly. And I felt right at home with that idea, kind warm and fuzzy.
So I've at least warped the gender housing.
@Soreth I was sitting in the bathroom at work reading about something the women' affiliate group -- "Women at $Company" had done, and I saw myself in a picture for the group, and my brain immediately started stuffing quotation marks of separation around "women" like insulation material. And I started asking myself, "hunh, why am I pushing against this? Am I uncomfortable here? Am I not a women? Am I allowed to ask who is a women? What besides a beautiful pile of mysteries is a women?"
Related to current USPol, Hopelessness, Complicity (---)
@Phorm @Thaminga There's a certain degree of "if we didn't eat poison we'd starve" problem, here, too. The United States is among the current crop of moral degenerates and it may never recover its high ground on the world, but there's no country on earth that isn't to some degree complicit in global late-stage capitalism, which is driving a lot of the shit here. There is no walking away from Omelas, only fixing it.
@Rosemary @ElectricKeet Right now, Windows. Ask me again in a year and I may have finally gone home.
@Rosemary Oh, definitely. I couldn't remember the SAMPA and I don't have IPA mapped anywhere.
Speaking of, hey @ElectricKeet, I love you and I need your keymap.
@Rosemary /tth/ and /ddh/ are the ones I want to know why we're missing.
@starkatt Galena's the name of my phone, amusingly.
And I've already talked about cinnabar. ^v^
@Soreth ... is that a good face I hope?
@Soreth Either that or the very tiny scales of a hatchling lizard.
Crude, Body "Humor" (Don't say I didn't warn you.)
@fluffy Well, it'll be old enough to vote at least.
I dare not think too hard about that one.
Crude, Body "Humor" (Don't say I didn't warn you.)
... my SRS wasn't twelve years ago.
It was sixteen. March 3, 2002.
In two more years, my vag will be old enough to drink. I'm surprised I haven't caught it trying to surf FA and Porn Tumblr while it thought I wasn't looking. It must be terribly confused by all the changes happening right now. The feathers, the squawking.
Maybe we need to have a nice long talk about what's going on, so it knows I still love it regardless.
@Oneironott Buttrudder.
yardwork, allergies, mild body horror
@green For me, it's whatever chemical that's responsible for the scent of freshly mown grass. A tall lawn doesn't bother me but right after it's cut and that scent is in the air I break out in spotty rashes and sinus headaches.
Account inactive -- moved to weirder.earth